
July 29, 2011 - Posted by Queen&King Lear at 2:46 PM
We were searching the internet the other night... and we were on a mission. A mission to find out the AIRDATES of our shows this season. I'm (Emily) falling apart. I am empty from not having a regular show to watch besides Jimmy Fallon. At least we tape everything, so I'm not scheduling my life around the shows, at least. Any other shows you watch that are funny, or we should check out... let us know. We are open to most things funny, silly, dramatic, etc. ;)

I try to catch these when they are new:
  1. Grey's Anatomy (which I didn't really get into until ssn 5-I'm not going to watch the other seasons, I catch enough re-runs on Lifetime to get the jist, so don't force me)
  2. Private Practice, cause who doesn't love another doctor drama with the beautiful and handsome?
  3. Project Runway. I don't need to explain this one. Its just awesome.
  4. Jersey Shore. Don't judge. It's funny to watch people in their non-lives. (but really I would like it if a camera man followed me around for $100,000 an episode, not including endorsements and club appearances. holy. freakin. cow.) 
  5. Modern Family, and Happy Endings. (If you haven't watched Happy Endings, its like a FRIENDS, except there is a interracial relationship, so its saucy, lol. jk. but for real its funny ;)
  6. How I Met Your Mother (they make bunches of fun of Canadians-Sorry Rachel)
  7. Glee-duh.
  8. I want to start watching a couple new shows: Up All Night, & Pan Am. 
  9. And we always watch Jimmy Fallon. He kills us with his funny.  
    We have watched an episode of Dexter, not our thing... 30 Rock, OK.... and Swamp People. Yes, Swamp people. All those are ones we don't really watch. And I'm not all that into reality shows, besides runway, jersey... and sometimes the Kardashians. 
      We have a problem don't we? Now none of these shows will EVER replace shows like Bewitched, Wonder Years, or Boy Meets World (do i have a Savage fetish?) in my book... those are the classics. But they do offer a certain value of entertainment that I must say... is culturally appealing. The worlds a changin.