We Bought a Scale. Part 2.

May 24, 2012 - Posted by Queen&King Lear at 12:12 PM
Hola mi amigos!

[Not so] Sadly... we did NOT follow through with the diet as mentioned here. Our somewhat preposterous summary listed below. And no, even though I was in a state of "hanger" unlike any I'd ever experienced before... I didn't kill Michael. He is still with us. :)

Day 1: We stuffed our faces full of melon and strawberries and other fruits. Yummy day, but along with drinking SO much water, it was torture. This was a breeze for Michael... he got to eat lots of pineapple!

Day 2: Got to eat a potato for breakfast this morning. Was just superb after all the sweetness yesterday. Cooked up some good veggies in the evening, and snacked on carrots and cucumbers during the day. Veggie day was the easiest for me. Michael wanted to die.

Day 3: We did this day with flying colors! #1000coolpointsforus!

Day 4: Each of us ate at least 1 banana today, and I love milk, so I did drink milk today. We did not keep to the diets specifics. We suck, we have no willpower when it comes to food. NONE.

Day 5: We thought the rules on this day were too crazy. Oops. Plus Michael had a flight and got to eat a pulled pork sammich. So I cheated too. I think this was the day we both threw in the towel. Should I even still be writing this? #minus1000coolpoints

Day 6: We did eat beef & veggies today. However, I had a dinner that evening and it would have been impolite to not eat what was in front of me. :) #100politepoints

Day 7: At this point we were both eating our veggies, (as directed) along with our other favorites. We have abandoned the diet.


This diet did help us though... we drink more water... we eat our veggies, and we have fruit in the house more often. Even before this diet I did drink milk like it was going out of style. Plus, I lost 3pounds, Michael lost 5. Ugh.

I took back the scale. I don't think it sends the right message.

-Kind&Queen Lear

Adventures in crafting.

May 15, 2012 - Posted by Queen&King Lear at 5:59 PM
With another girls weekend thats full of crafts is fast approaching... I thought I would post some of my recent embarkings (sp) with craftiness a la pinterest. in January.

I embellished some plain-o black pumps, etched glass - yes, etched. Rachel did it too, its so cool! And won't come off! Finally we both made a cute as a button Initial thing. :)
I'm not sure what to do with the "22" but I think its cute, quirky (its our anniversary, we are calling it our family number, lol) But if I had to choose a number, for a jersey... you know if I played sports of any kind where it would be required, my number would be 101.

Of course I always have projects pending... larger ones at the moment. like refinishing a dresser, end tables, a buffet, our couch table. Never stop improving. #lowes.
-Queen&King Lear

We bought a Scale.

May 8, 2012 - Posted by Queen&King Lear at 9:37 AM
Diets. Pshhh. Right?
Michael & I have both agreed to do this 7 day "cleanse/starve yourself" diet. Ala Pinterest. But we arent really starving ourselves. We eat as much as we want (of certain items) on certain days. But we drink so much water - we will be peeing constantly. Awesome.

Day 1: Fruit. You can eat as much fruit as you want. No bananas tho.
Day 2: Veggies. Unlimited. Must eat 1 potatoe specifically.
Day 3: Fruit & Veggies. No bananas, no potatoes.
Day 4: Bananas & Milk. Weird. Plus wonder soup if you care to consume it.
Day 5: 2 10oz portions of beef & 6 tomatoes. #whatthewhat?
Day 6: Beef & Veggies.
Day 7: Brown rice, Fruit juice, Veggies.

It basically is to reprogram your body to crave the things it needs. So, instead of craving a McDonalds cheeseburger, #mmmm I will crave the actual protein that my body needs from meat. Is there protein in mickydees meat?;) Or instead of throwing a few peanut m&ms down me gullet for sweets, I might pick up an orange, or a strawberry. See?

The diet says you can loose 10-17 pounds within the first week! Maybe, maybe not. Worth a shot - so we bought a scale and weighed ourselves, boy were we in for a surprise! OOh, neesh geet. *insert german accent here*

We also plan to take walks in the wonderful weather. Partly to have time to chat, and to keep our minds off queso, mac 'n' cheese, and on our fruit filled bellies! So, if I havent killed michael out of HANGRINESS. (the state of being so hungry you are angry) You will be reading a summary of how it went.

Before & after pictures aren't coming.
-King&Queen Lear