Welp, he's back, & I'm drafting posts with much haste. :)
1. The Leary's visit Branson, MO {Titanic Museum} whaddup.
2. We found bunnies, well, Ruthie found bunnies. Post to follow.
4. Warner has a birthday

5. We celebrate Mother's Day
7. We celebrate Father's Day
8. A bunch'a Spouses Club events happen
9. The Leary's go on Vacation {to Puerto Rico} - Post to follow
10. We have our anniversary
11. Melissa has a wedding
12. We attend a bridal show AS/WITH Snazzylime :) See more photos of that: www.snazzylime.blogspot.com
13. Emily has her birthday - Michael got me the best necklace. (its his wings) And there was a pirate party in honor of September 19... National "Talk Like a Pirate Day" :)
14. Warner visits Auntie Em to see Thomas the Tank Engine {coming soon}
15. Something else cool
By all means... stay tuned.
Signing off,