What can I do with 20 extra minutes...
- Run to the bank to deposit some snazzy money. (Almost my favorite thing on the list)
- Pick up the house, aka a quick "toss it!" rampage. Michael gets nervous on these rampages.
- Wipe down the kitchen. (insert cleaning lady here - oh wait)
- Catch up on emails from the day
- Write tomorrows to-do list, (would take 5 minutes) Then 15 minutes of trying to remember the one thing I thought of earlier during the other thing that I had to do today.
- Watch an already recorded episode of American Dad, these are so short its like a joke.
- Organize the laundry... to be started in the morning.
- Whip up dinner. (just me? Cereal and OJ. Michael too? Whatever we feel like eating, sometimes this means grapes, ice cream (B&J NY Super Fudge Chunk please) or some eggs or something else we can whip up in a jiffy - we are healthy eaters, can you tell?)
- Rock out to j.bieb in the tanning bed (and by rock, I mean literally dance or wiggle to the beat [of my heart] while I get bronzed)
- Go for a walk... with or without dogs.
Signed, Eager