Tuckered out.

September 20, 2011 - Posted by Queen&King Lear at 12:13 PM
Worth posting... 

This is Michael parents dog, Tucker. He wanted to be my boyfriend the weekend that we were in Ohio this past winter. He was constantly sitting, or jumping on me, climbing under my legs. (he's not a small dog) And he frequently got the "buzz" from his parents for about knocking me over. I didn't mind that much - it was cute. But he did weigh as much as I did then. holy dog.

We did take a nap together, which was pleasant. I'm pretty sure if I had moved as little as half an inch it would have been carpets for me. (get it?)

Michael's parents are coming to visit us at the beginning of October... and we will be heading north for his sisters wedding in November! I'm excited, plus I know Tucker is having Emily withdraws. :)

-Queen&King Lear