FAIL #1: I failed at my “1 book a month” resolution. By 1. ugh. (This is counting the books on tape I listened to on road trips.) This was NOT one of Michael's personal resolutions.
FAIL #2: One of our other resolutions last year was to work out. And... if I may be frank. I'm not the slight little lady I used to be. (even if you cant see it, or you say “Emily, no!” You would be wrong.) There are jiggles and shakes and areas that shouldn’t be hangin' around.
FAIL #3: We wanted to eat healthier. (Reference FAIL #2) We ate out. All. The. Time.
Now, after our fails, and in the spirit of the New year... there is hope for the Leary’s.
Our New Years Resolutions for 2012:
1. Read 1 book a month (I did it in 2010, lets keep at this one)
2. New recipe every 2 weeks. This I did for about 2-4 months, and this was a good one! This will tie in also to EAT OUT LESS, (we are limiting ourselves to 2x a week) and of course EAT HEALTHIER.
3. Exercise. I signed up via Groupon for a mix of weekly classes, with a friend so this will help me. Michael jogs already, he resolves to do this on a more reg basis.
4. No drinking soda. #canyoureallylose15pounds?
5. Craft more. Thank you for the invention of Pinterest. I can now feel even more crafty, and I have ideas out to wazoo. #craftlovepinboard
6. Shop more at consignment / resale shops / discount shops / & garage sales for certain items.
7. Tithe and give more to charity.
8. Be more in prayer for others, and in our quiet time more.
9. Save money wherever we can.
10.Take another beach vacation. #justpackyourswimsuit
11. Write our family mission statement. #Pinterest has great ideas on how to display.
12. Organize and purge everything. This will be my fave thing... throwing things out.
13. Deepen relationships.
What are YOUR resolutions? :)
-Queen&King Lear