Give thanks.
December 7, 2011 - Posted by Queen&King Lear at 11:39 AM
So, in honor of November and having previously done nothing but eat TURKEY as far as giving thanks... here goes: the learylog list of things to be thankful for.
1. Very dramatic women in my family to keep things interesting.
2. Videos on you tube and AFV for the constant entertainment.
3. Mexican food (i.e. the white cheese)
4. Sunglasses. Nobody likes crows-feet.
5. White fudge covered Oreos.
6. Ben & Jerry's NY Super Fudge Chunk
7. Speaking of chocolate... chocolate.
8. A big ole warm fluffy bed.
9. Clothes to cover our secrets. Clothes in general.
10. A dishwasher.
11. Michael being happy at his job - flyin' airplanes, nbd. Emily being happy at hers. (free massages, what up!)
12. Healthy-ness. Even though we don't work out much, or run places... we eat our veggies, and drink airborne. We could be better, I'll admit... but now its too cold to take a jog. (this kind a talk is for new years)
13. Glitter.
14. My dogs. Where I can be by myself - but never be alone. :) #bff
15. Snazzylime - creativity, what being a business starter upper has taught me, who I've met in the process, my samples, paper, and more!
16. Hugs.
17. Great friends from home, great friends in OKC.
18. Texting abbreviations. (lol - bff - nbd!!!)
19. Books. Books to movies. Movies.
20. All our senses. (see, hear, touch, smell, and taste [esp taste])
21. Air conditioning. hello.
22. Disney.
23. Having great memories from each of our pasts.
24. Education, freedom, America, opportunities.
25. Rock n' Roll.
26. Socks.
27. The internet (Pinterest) / email / Facebook. (I STILL check FB 5x a day. Just like college days.)
28. Shoes. omgosh, Shoes. omgosh, Shoes.
29. Hot water.
30. A great church. A great God. And a great life he's blessed us with.
We really do have many things to be thankful for - I could go on and on. #sigh
-Queen&King Lear