one day, while i was doing my business I was browsing.
i was flipping through a hallmark magazine.
i found this:
it says,
"Ten Things We Love About Fall"
- It's the perfect time to celebrate the end of swimsuit season with a big cookie.
- Oh look...the hills got all dressed up.
- It's OK to shave your legs every other day.
- Snugglier pants then corduroys have yet to be invented.
- Pumpkin is some sort of vegetable, right? So, that makes pumpkin pie health food, right?
- Listen. Do you hear that? That's the sound of quiet after the kids go back to school.
- Touch football makes everyone feel like an athlete.
- The Christmas catalogs are here! Time for the credit cards to come out of hibernation.
- Half of a powdered donut is just the right size to dunk in a mug of coffee. Science triumphs again!
- Only you know that your toenails are polished in your very favorite color." -Bill Gray
this magazine was from 2004.
that was before i graduated HS.
apparently there was something in this magazine i wanted to save.
i will keep it still.
and we need to update the magazines in the basket.
ah, fall.
this weather makes me want to take up a hobby.
or do more crafty things. #thankyoupintrest
maybe i will take up underwater basket weaving.
or something else.